About me

Jeroen Kroon van Diest
I am Jeroen Kroon van Diest.

My mission is to organize the most beautiful marriage proposals in the world.

In 2018 koos ik ervoor om te gaan doen wat ik het allerliefste doe. Onvergetelijke verrassingen organiseren met mijn vorige bedrijf unique surprises. Award uitreikingen, bijzondere jubilea, afscheidsmomenten, huwelijksaanzoeken.

The marriage proposals touched me the most. That moment when the person being proposed realizes it. All that love, the magical smile, that beautiful tear. Every time so special.

That is my complete focus now with marriageproposalholland.nl There's nothing more beautiful than doing work about love. In 2022, my wife surprised me with a very special proposal, and six months later, I proposed to her. 

I have organized many beautiful proposals already. And with a lot of love, I will organize yours too!